Our Mission Statement
“Working with families in Honduras to improve education, health, and economic opportunity, enabling them to live more productive lives”
The HELP Honduras Society is an organization registered in British Columbia, Canada. It is approved as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency and issues tax receipts for income tax purposes. Beneficiaries are the working poor in Honduras. Presently we are active in Tegucigalpa and surrounding communities, Comayagua, and Santa Barbara. The program is tailored to the local needs in each community.
Most members are Rotarians, and our partner organizations are Rotary Clubs, The Rotary Foundation, and several Honduras Rotary directed NGO’s in Honduras.
HELP Honduras coordinates the preparation of global grant applications but grants are funded and administered by Rotary Clubs and the Rotary Foundation.
Why Honduras?
Honduras is one of the poorest country in the Americas. It has a population of 10.6 million, 66% of whom live below the poverty line. Only 40% of the population go beyond Grade 6, and only 12% graduate high school.
The country suffers from corrupt government, gang violence, high murder and extortion rates, and is a major source of illegal migrants to the USA.